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Open Educational Resources (OER): Basic & Transitional Studies/ESL/Institute of English

A guide for faculty and staff at Seattle Central College who wish to adopt or create OER materials

General OER repositories that include pre-college or Adult Education materials:

This page contains a sampling of available Open Education Resources (OER) in your discipline. For more information about OER, or for guidance about incorporating open practices and/or low cost materials into your course, please contact your subject liaison librarian. 

The Library Liaison for BTS/ESL/ABE is Sharon Spence-Wilcox.

The Library Liaison for CIE is Katy Dichter.

General Resources for leveled content (all subjects) 

Textbooks, courses, and readers

ESL: Textbooks, courses, and readers

Supplemental tools and materials (incl. games, lessons, videos, exercises, etc.)

ESL-Supplemental Materials 

Math Skills

Basic Technology Skills