These links lead to ongoing news coverage of Occupy Seattle by local news outlets based in Seattle or the greater Puget Sound area. Many of the links will take you to a search page which will show the most recent, but not necessarily the most relevant, news.
The Seattle Times | Occupy Seattle
Seattle PI | Occupy Seattle
Komo News 4 | Occupy Seattle
King 5 TV | Occupy Seattle
Seattle Central Community College | Current News
The Occupy Wall Street protest, Occupy Seattle protest, and other Occupy movements aim to use the principles of civil disobedience and non-violent resistance to effect a postive change in our economy and our society.
Occupy Seattle Information about the organization, including meeting minutes, resources for students interested in getting invovled, and the group's intentions and policies. Includes a regularly updated blog from one of the organizers of Occupy Seattle. The Occupy Seattle encampment was located on the Seattle Central Campus during November 2011.
Occupy Together A hub for Occupy movements worldwide that began after protests began on Wall Street. Includes information about the Occupy movement, an inernational directory of events, and a forum. Also includes a blog for news involving Occupy movements.
Occupy Wall Street Represents the protesters who are currently occupying Zuccotti Park in New York City, New York. Features a current blog, as well as a forum and information about the protest ongoing in NYC.
NYC General Assembly An online meeting place for members of the Occupy Wall Street protest. where many decisions are discussed, debated, and broadcasted to the larger community of Occupiers in other cities around the world. Most of the Occupy protests take their cues from the NYC GA, including Occupy Seattle, which voted to ratify the statement of demands written and maintained at this site.
Social media can also be the place to find the most up-to-date information on a specific protest, event, or encampment. See The Arab Spring, chronicled Tweet by Tweet for more coverage.
Find #Occupy on Facebook:
Occupy Seattle | Occupy Seattle Central | Occupy Seattle at UW | Occupy Olympia | Occupy Wall St. | Occupy Together
Find #Occupy on Twitter:
@OccupySeattle | @OccupyOlympia | @OccupyWallSt | @OccupyTogether
Find #Occupy on Tumblr:
We Are the 99%
Try these Twitter searches:
#OccupySeattle | #OccupyTheCapitol | #OWS | #OccupyTogether | #OccupyEverything | #Solidarity
Social media has become ubiquitous in our society. Its in our classrooms, our workplaces, and our homes; we use it to share interesting content with one another, to make jokes, to stay connected at a distance, and to entertain. Before the Arab Spring and the Occupy protests this fall, few may have believed that social media would help people organize to make a postive change in their society--but now we know that it has the potential to bring people together in physical space through an open sharing of ideas in digital space. The Occupy movement has taken their cues from the demonstrators in Tahrir Square, using social media such as Facebook and Twitter to organize encampments and General Assemblies, demonstrations, and to get their message out to a wider audience than has previously been possible. As Raymond Schillinger says in his article analysing the use of social media in organizing the Arab Spring uprising in Egypt and Tunsia:
"For the legions of critics who had previously dismissed platforms like Facebook and Twitter as vapid troughs of celebrity gossip and self-aggrandizement, the toppling of regimes in Tunisia and Egypt suggested that these tools were as effective for organizing protests and revolutions as they were for organizing keg parties. The movements throughout the Arab world appeared to have imbued social media with an irrevocable sense of legitimacy as a tool for fomenting change." Social Media and the Arab Spring: What Have We Learned?
The resources listed here generally have taken a position either in support of or in opposition to the Occupy protests. Its up to you to decide on the quality of these resources for yourself.
The Huffington Post's Occupy Wall Street coverage
Fox News's Occupy Protest coverage
New York Times--Times Topics, Wall Street Protests coverage
The Wall Street Journal covers the #Occupy protests