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Copyright: For Instructors

Learn what copyright is, why it is important, and how to use information legally.

Course Packs & Classroom Materials

Multiple copies of copyrighted materials for classroom use are subject to copyright restrictions.

  • Spontaneous one-time use in class: Fair Use may apply to a one-time use of a limited amount of copyrighted information without obtaining permission. Visit the Fair Use page for guidance.
  • Course packs: For multiple copies of copyrighted materials, instructors can obtain copyright clearance through XanEdu, a service administered by the campus bookstore. Contact the bookstore for more information: 206-934-4148

Learn More

Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians

- A summary of the legal statutes from the U.S. Copyright Office.

Copying Right and Copying Wrong with Web 2.0 Tools in the Teacher Education and Communications

- A detailed discussion of educational uses of copyrighted material on the web, including scenarios with analysis.

Using Images

Guidelines from the University of Conneticut on fair use content in PowerPoint presentations and handouts.

Specific Issues

Copyright Resources for Faculty (from Columbia University Libraries)

Teach Act (from American Library Association)
The TEACH act addresses how non profit educational institutions may use copyright protected materials for distance education.

The Seattle Community Colleges do not currently qualify for the TEACH act.