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HIST 214: Pacific Northwest History, Tracy Lai: Academic Articles

This research guide provides tutorials, resource lists, tips, and links for doing research in HIS214, Pacific Northwest History.

Recommended Databases

For more database options, check the complete list of library databases.

What is a scholarly journal article?

This is a great tutorial to help students understand what scholarly articles are, how they are written, and why they are important.

Finding Full-Text

Many databases offer both full-text (yay!) and citations (grr!). When the full-text is not available, try this:

1. In the database, click the journal linker button or "search journal title" to check for it in other library databases

2. Limit the search to "full-text" and find another article

3. Search other libraries for the periodical:

4. Get the article from another library:

  • Visit a library in person
  • Ask a librarian about Interlibrary Loan service