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Immigration Stories - coming to the U.S.: Welcome!

Immigrant fiction for students in Basic and Transitional Studies.

Vocabulary about Books

Children's fiction: Stories written for children.

These stories can be interesting and easier to read.

Fiction: Stories about people and events that are not real; books that tell stories which are imagined by the writer.

Some fiction for adults is difficult to read, but you will learn a lot of new words.

Graphic novel: Books that use drawings and words to tell a story; they can be fiction or true stories.

The pictures can help you to understand the stories.

Memoirs: Books where writers describe their true past experiences.

Memoirs are written for children, young adults and adults.

Young adult fiction: Stories written for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18.

These stories can be interesting, and a little easier to read than fiction written for an adult audience.   

Finding the RIght Book for You

Many people have written great books about coming to the U.S. Use this guide to find a book to read about the experiences of people who have immigrated from one country to another. Here is some advice:

Find a book you like!

  • Ask your friends who are learning English! Did they read a good book? Did they like it? What is it called? Write down titles.
  • Look at different books. Read the back of the book and the inside cover. Is it interesting to you?
  • Ask a librarian at Seattle Central College or the public library. They can help you find a book you like.

Find a book that isn't too easy or too difficult!

  • Read the first page. Count the words you do not know.
    • If there are more than 5 words you do not know, this book might be too difficult.
    • If the number of words you don't know is 0 or 1, this book might be too easy.
  • But remember: If a book is really interesting, you will want to read it, even if it's difficult!

Visit from ITESM Campus students to a foster home for girls by Talento Tec, 2012 (CC BY-SA 3.0)